Customer Websites & Data Feeds

More than 375 yacht and boat brokers subscribe to Boatsonline and Yachthub and more than 165 use our website data feed service to streamline their listing management and the best thing is we do not charge you any extra ongoing fees for using our data feeds service. All you need is a current Boatsonline or Yachthub subscription to access the Dealer Management System. We can build you a new website or we can work with your own web developers to integrate our data feed solution into your new website or if you have an existing website we can install our data feed service on it.  We can customise the page layouts to suit your website – it doesn’t matter whether your website is based on WordPress, or any other content management system or platform, we have the technology to work with your website.

Below are just a few samples of websites we have recently built for dealers – please feel free to click on the thumbnails and check out the full websit